Lee Classic Single Stage Brass Kicker

When I upgraded to a Lee Classic Turret Press a couple of years ago, I picked up a universal decapping die and turned my old Lee Classic Press into my dedicated decapping setup.

The prototype was bits of wood clamped onto the primer arm. A bit of hot glue here and there to get the geometry right and I had a working brass kicker. The only issue with that one was that the screw holding it all together kept working it’s way loose. My solution was a piece of 1/4″ aluminum plate cut into the correct shape. I did have some issues with the center of gravity being higher, causing it to lift up off the pivot pin, but that was easily solved with a short ramp hot glued onto the wooden base plate, moving the force rotating it a bit further away from the pivot point.

I made this mod to speed up the decapping process early in 2018, shot a quick video about it, but never got around to mentioning it here. willwood487 just posted a video about a 3D printed implementation of the same idea, so I figured I’d mention them both here.

Not a heck of a lot more to say. Here’s my version.

willwood487’s looks a lot classier than mine (as I’m not particularly skilled at milling metal), but they both work. Here’s his.